Readers Report CooperVision Contact Lens Problems

Numerous readers have reported problems with their Coopervision Toric lenses since eFoodAlert first posted information on the Avaira® Toric recall on August 23, 2011. Following is a complete list of our readers’ unedited reports.

From Helen on August 27, 2011: My son went to ER due to severe eye pain. His 1st Avaira Toric caused blur vision and rainbow coloring to his vision, but it disappeared couple days later. Then his 2nd pair had the same effect. so he took them off. Then his eye pain started. It was so intense we took him to ER.

From Krystal on August 29, 2011: We are located in Texas in the US and my son was in severe eye pain he had to miss the 2nd day of school. This was a horrifying experience for my family. The pain inflicted on my son was unbearable to watch. After taking him to his doctor then to an ophthalmologist purchasing 3 different prescriptions the bills staked up. His cornea was severely scratched and swollen. A week later he is doing better. We are just praying no long term damage was caused.

From Dan on August 29, 2011: My daughter also had to go to the ER due to severe eye pain after using these contacts. Diagnosed with severe tear to the cornea. Doing better now, scheduled to follow up with an opthamologist today. Contacts were purchased at the walmart in Hampton, VA.

From Ineke on August 29, 2011: I purchased contacts at Costco in Seattle WA and also ended up in the ER with the most excruciating eye pain. ER doc noted that the corneal abrasion was in the shape of the contact lens.Has anyone inquired about reimbursement for medical bills? I incurred several hundred dollars due to the ER visit as well as follow up eye care and lens fitting.

From Holly on August 30, 2011: I purchased the contacts at Costco in Irvine, CA. I also ended up in the emergency room due to severe eye pain and swollen face. I was diagnosed with corneal swelling and a severe corneal abrasion.

From Scott on August 30, 2011: I received a call at work around 2:15 am and it was my wife crying and telling me her eyes hurt and she could not see! I took her to the ER and she was diagnosed with corneal abrasion. These new contact lenses are supposed to be so great… Better vision is what they – Cooper Vision states on their adds, that is a joke. We are going to seek legal remedies on this company!!! And I think this is going to blow up more, that this is only the beginning of complaints.

From Angela on August 31, 2011: I experienced blurred vision in one eye after putting on a fresh pair of Aviara Toric contacts. It was severe clouded vision that lasted for about 2 hours after taking the lenses out. I talked with my optometrist and my eye appeared to be normal, but he thought their could have been a scratch on the eye.

From Annette on September 1, 2011: I purchased the Avaira Toric lenses in Spring, TX through 1800CONTACTS. When I took them out on the first day of wearing them (Tuesday, 8/30/11) it felt like I scratched my eye. When I woke up the next morning I couldn’t open my eyes. The pain was so severe. I went to my eye doctor and was told that both my cornea’s were torn. She gave me a prescription for an antibiotic but I still can’t see well enough to drive. I have never felt pain like this before.

From Mellisa on September 5, 2011: REGARDING AVAIRA TORIC CONTACT LENSE: I’ve suffered a severe corneal abrasion due to this lense. My lot number is involved in the recall. Over the weekend I noticed vision in my right eye was filmy so I removed the contact. About an hour later I was in severe pain in that eye–felt like a bee stiniging my eye. Doctor at the ER said I had a corneal abrasion in the shape of a contact over 15% of my cornea. I called my eye care provider and they said they had no idea of the recall. It’s frustrating that no one from either company failed to notify me that these lenses were defective. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and purchased these lense at a Lencrafters.

From Dee Angela on September 8, 2011: I experienced SEVERE eye pain. It hurt to have my eyes open it hurt to close them. It felt like something was scratching my eye. I have experienced this twice. I was in bed all day. I was going to go to the ER but I decided to take something to put me to sleep.

From Lorna on September 10, 2011: After wearing Bousch and Lomb for years, I went to Costco to get a new prescription of contact lenses and they gave me a pair of these contacts to try… at first I thought that I had picked up an eye infection because we had had been away at a funeral so I was constantly touching my eyes with tissue…when we got back home and my eyes cleared up they gave me a new trial pair but after a few days the same thing happened to my eyes, I am so frustrated because all they did was call me and tell me not to wear them, to throw them out and to come back in for another pair to try. After two weeks of eye drops the lady told me I dont need to use them any more and within a day of stopping the full infection and pain is back. I woke up this morning in pain, my eyes won’t stop watering and I look horrible.I am thinking I will never trust to wear contact lenses again. All I am offered is a new pair to try… I can’t believe that a company can be allowed to get away with this… all their key people should have to go through this themselves and maybe they will take our pain and frustration into account and run their business with some sort of integrity!

From Leslie on September 16, 2011: My son got these contacts as his first time trying contact lenses. He is 12. I am shocked at the thought that these lenses could have harmed my childs vision. He wore the trial pair with out any problems, but when we opened the new box he had problems with the right eye being blurry & sore. We cleaned the lenses overnight & tried them again the next day. We threw away that pair & tried another pair. Still the same. They were blurry & hurt. The right lens did not hurt. We then tried 2 left lenses because his Rx was almost the same in both eyes. That worked. I told the vision center where we purchased them about the problem & they reordered the contacts fo us thinking there was a problem. My son continued to wear the 2 left lenses. He then told me they were itching & bothered his eyes & refused to wear them. Yesterday I found out they have been recalled. I called my eye care provider & they ordered new trials & told him not to wear them again. We purchase the lenses at Wal-Mart in Elkhart Indiana. This was an eyeopeining experience for me.

From Deirdre on September 18, 2011: I too went to the emergency room in July 2011 – severe pain that i cannot describe – I also was treated for a corneal abrasion and sent home with 3 different prescriptions and oxicodine for the Pain!! I am utterly speachless that my eye doctor did not warn me of the recall – I even went to my doctor’s office 3 seperate times complaining of my left eye. I am appalled at the lack of communication and want to know what exactly the “residue” is?

From Deirdre (again) on September 18, 2011: I want to know exactly what this “residue” is and plan on taking legal action. I also went to the er with severe pain in my left eye. This pain was worse than child birth. I too had a severe corneal abrasion. I went to my eye doctor THREE TIMES complaining of my left eye. Why didn’t they know about the recall????? This is pure negligence. I bought my lenses in Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania from my eye doctor.

From Diana on September 22, 2011: I scratched my cornea twice because of these lenses! It was the worst pain I have ever felt and I am still paying off the ER bills. I am furious that these lenses were the cause. My eye doctor called me about the recall, claiming it was due to the contacts causing “dryness” and said they would be replacing my lenses with another type at no charge. This was after the first corneal abraision, which I just assumed was my fault- that I took out the lens improperty, which is what the ER doc said is usually the cause of these abraisions. But I have been wearing contacts for years and this had never happened before. I did not tell the doctor about the abraision, because they only asked if I was experiencing any issues related to my contacts being dry or uncomfortable. Then I had the second abraision this past weekend and thought maybe the recall had something to do with what’s happening to me. So I looked online and found this website and immediately called my eye doctor. The nurse on the phone brushed off my concerns, saying that the lenses were recalled only because they caused dryness. I just went to pick up the replacement lenses and I took a print out of all of these complaints to my doctor. The nurse told me that “You can find anything on the internet” and again said these contacts only cause dryness. Then she gave the print out back to me without even looking at it. I am furious and am switching eye doctors! If they had been upfront with me from the beginning, I wouldn’t have scratched my cornea a second time! And what the heck is this residue? It’s all very scary because I feel like we’re being lied to!

From Court, on September 22: Picked these up on a wednesday. Friday I tore off half my cornea in one eye and scratched the hell out of the other. I have been wearing contacts for over 10 years and i have never had this issue. Pasco, Washington is where I purchased them. Today I got a call from 1800contacts telling me about this recall. I looked up my lot # as advised and they are part of the recalled batch My new eye doctor is meeting with her associates to discuss how they plan on dealing with their patients’ needs. Has anyone heard or filed a class action law suit? I missed a day of work, ruined my labor day weekend and put me through hours/days of pain.

From Richard on September 29, 2011: I started wearing Coopervision contact lenses 4 months ago upon my opticians advice and I have found them comfortable and easy to manage ever since. I didn’t realise there was a recal on some of their products, I was lucky enough not to have experienced the faulty batch, but have the greatest of sympathy with those who have experienced any sort of pain. Found a health advice on the Vision express website really beneficial in the past for any contact lenses related issues I’ve had, might be of some help.

From Brittany on September 30, 2011: I have had redness, constant tearing, swelling, pain , itching and blured vision in my left eye for a couple weeks now since I put in a new pair of contacts. I keep taking my contacts out after a couple of hours of wearing them because they hurt my eyes. At first I thought maybe it was allergies but then the whole area around my eye became tender to the touch and my boyfriend pointed out that the symptoms are only in my left eye. I thought it might be an issue with my contact since that’s when it started so I just looked online and found out about this recall on Avaira Toric. I plan on calling the doctor tomorrow. Also I would like to mention that since I got this order of contacts there have been 3 that I have thrown out because they had visible blurry spots on them that would not come off no matter how much I washed them.

From Christina on October 2, 2011: A friend of mine told me to check on recalls with contacts since I have been suffering with problems since the first week in July. It started when I went for an eye exam and got fitted for new lenses. I was given a new pair and that’s when my troubles began. I had itchy eyes, some burning pain, swollen eyelids and discharge. I have been treated twice with antibiotics and my eyes clear. Then treated as allergies. Every time I put in a new pair I am back to the same problems. Now I am on steroid drops because my eyelid inflammation and itching won’t go away. I have not worn lenses in a month. I can’t believe non of my doctors thought of this. I have spent so much on doctors visits and medications. I am going to tell my doctor tomorrow and contact the company. I can’t believe I have been suffering for months over this. I wear Ultra Flex toric lenses and I bought them the first week of August.

From Jennifer on October 5, 2011: I had the exact same problem with 2 different boxes of CooperVision Frequency55 toric lenses, both from the same lot #3698000705. The first box was bought in April, and after going through half the pack and having the same problem each time I put in a new lens (hazy vision that remained even after taking the lens out and discomfort) I requested a replacement for those lenses. The replacement lenses were fine. I just popped in a new contact from the refill box I received over the weekend and was revisited by the same problem. I stupidly decided to “deal with it” until I got home from work and by that time the pain was unbearable and my vision remained blurred after removing the lens. I went to the ER and the doctor said my cornea has abrasions all over the surface. I am still in pain and hope this doesnt happen to anyone else!

From Steve on October 6, 2011: I live in Phoenix AZ and had the exact same thing happen to me. I ordered my Avaira Toric lenses from First pair made my vision cloud up after 20 minutes. Second pair I left in for 8 hours. When I went to take them out they were stuck on my eyes, so much so that I scratched the surface of my eyeballs taking them out. Pain was so intense I was blind and couldn’t open my eyes for two days. Eye Dr. gave me a salve and pain meds, but there was little relief for the first couple days. Just the slightest twitch of my eyes against the eyelids was agony. I feel for anyone who has gone through the same thing. I’m glad I now know the reason my contacts were messed up, and know it wasn’t my fault.

From Carol on October 11, 2011: I live in Pennsylvania and purchased Frequency 55 Toric lenses from 1-800-contacts. This was in August/september 2010. I had hazy vision in one of my eyes, and ended up in the emergency room with a corneal abrasion. I also experienced about a month later the same issue in my other eye. Why isn’t Cooper Vision recalling Frequency 55 lenses as well. They have the exact same issue.

From Brian C. on October 11, 2011: I had the exact same issue with my left eye and Frequency 55 Toric lens that just happens to be made by CooperVision. I have not seen any mention of this brand in any media. I suffered a swollen eye, discharge, excruciating pain in my eye. I was given drops to clear the issue. This happened 2 months in a row. My doctor looked at me like I was crazy when I said that something is wrong with the lens. It happened the first day of the month for 2 months straight when I changed my contacts. It began with a cloudy spot in my vision in the morning and then an escalating amount of discomfort through the day and finally by the end of the day I could barely keep my eye open. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a spare lens case around or my glasses when I was at work.

From Dani on October 11, 2011: I heard the ending of the news report on the radio this morn, regarding contact lens recall, so I came home to look it up. My husband of 13 years has worn contacts all his life, had a corneal transplant in his right eye and knows what eye pain is….. had me take him to the emergency room last Sun. for his good eye, woke up feeling fine, two hours later blurry vision, eye started getting red, he was then in agony, we were there for seven hours, he kept asking them for numbing drops….they could only put them in so many times w/out causing blindness, he was then given 2 injections over the course of the time we were there for pain. The dr said it appeared a layer of his cornea was gone and there were ulcers on it. He was sent home with three different medicated drops and pain meds. Over the course of the week had to see two specialists, and basically stay in bed with his eyes closed other than me driving him to the dr due to the pain of opening his eyes. He still can’t put contacts back in. Not one of the specialists mentioned a recall, his contacts are made by coopervision but are not the toric lenses.

From Dani (again) on October 11, 2011: I just checked and we purchased the contacts for my husband in August, he has had problems with his eye since then. I can’t believe not one doctor mentioned this recall, I am going to call all three of them tomorrow. I did call coopervision today and they acted like it was no big deal and people were just experiencing minor discomfort…..that was not thte case at all for my husband, he didn’t even care if the numbing drops caused blindness he just wanted the pain to stop. Is there any recourse, will a lawyer even handle a case like this, they are located in NY and we live in CA. My husband has had to miss work, and money is tight for us, we pay cash for our medical bills and we can barely afford food/gas with four kids right now, him not being able to see isn’t helping things for us?????

From Shannon on October 11, 2011: I wore Ultra Flex 55 contacts and I developed a serious corneal ulcer in my right eye. Now I have permanent deep scaring and I may need a corneal transplant. It has been a nightmare.

From Brett on October 11, 2011: Like you, Christina, I also wear ULTRA FLEX toric lenses, which I purchased from a Costco in Fountain Valley, CA. I suspected it was just my eyes were getting tired and enflamed from wearing my contacts for too long, but now that I’ve read the many posts regarding Cooper Vision’s toric lenses in general, I feel it necessary to report the problems of eye irritation I’ve been experiencing to Cooper Vision.

From Debbie on October 11, 2011: I keep watching & waiting for Coopervision to expand the recall here in the US. I wear Coopervision Proclear contacts and have been out of my contacts for 2 1/2 weeks. My doctor describes the damage as “pits” in my eyes and says it is from dry eyes. But I find it curious that my problems only started after purchasing 2 new boxes in August. (from my doctor’s office) I have never had dry eyes before. My contacts were made in the UK, but the lot numbers on the box were not listed on their website. When will we find out what the residue is and how much damage it will/can cause?

From Whitney on October 12, 2011: Pflugerville, TX, I ordered my Avaira Toric lenses from on August 8th. After I received them, I put one set on right way. About 30 minute later, my vision began to see cloudy white. I thought I had eyes problem so I removed them and threw them away. A month later, on September 28th, I put on a new set. They were OK at first. About an hour later, my vision was cloudy again. My eyes were a little irritated but I could handle OK. My right eye was irritated more than my left eye. I was at work and I didn’t have my glasses with me. I had them on the whole day. When I got home, I removed them off. My right eye was so painful. A couple hours later, it was swollen and I couldn’t open my eyes. My brother took me to the doctor and the doctor said he didn’t know what causes it. He prescribed me pain antibiotic medication. The second day I went to see him again. This time he said ” NO wonder I was so painful because my cornea torn and rolled back.” At this point, he still didn’t know what cause it. By Monday, the following week, I checked online to see if I can change to my old brand of lenses. Then I discovered Avaira Toric is recalled since August 19th (about a week after i received my order) but no one informed me. Sure enough, when I entered the lot numbers on Coopervision recall website, all my 3 boxes right eye lenses, are the recalled lenses.

From Carol on October 12, 2011: I have had problems from day one.  Blurry vision, felt like something in my eye.  Called doctor’s office and thought they gave me the wrong prescription and they replaced contacts.  Still had problems with vision, now can’t hardly see, constantly feels like a film cover over my eye and at work my eyes all the sudden go blurry, like I am under water.  I just called my doctor after reading the recall and they said…Did no one call you about this?  I said NO.  I am furious about this.  The cost, the damage, and feel the company should reimburse me for all the money I spent on contacts in the past year.

From Mellisa on October 12, 2011: As if this could not get any worse!!! I was one of the first posts regarding a severe corneal abrasion that I went to the ER for on September 4th. I was wearing the Avaira lenses. Last evening my husband came home and said he must have pink eye. He’d taken out his lenses earlier because his vision was hazy. His eye were both totally red and hurt–he said he felt like he had sand in both eyes. I said it didn’t look like pink eye but he was hurting and went to bed. This morning the eyes were bad so he went to the doctor. She told him both eyes were very swollen and irritated and prescribed steroid drops. I was unaware until this afternoon that he had been wearing a new pair of lenses for the last week. They are COOPERVISION PROCLEAR MULTIFOCAL. I understand these are not recalled yet. Please, can you get the word out?

From Laura on October 12, 2011: I had two reactions to these contacts. The first time I was told I had two abrasions to my cornea but they did not know what caused it because I had been there the day before. The next time I had opened up my new box of contacts and put them in on Saturday and my eye started hurting so I tool them out. By mid day Sunday my eye was hurting and tearing so badly that I could not see. I went to my GP on monday and she gave me antibiotics but I was unable to work for two days, not to mention being in horrible pain for the better part of three days. My husband called Coopervision and they told him about the recall, not my eye doctor. When I told them what happened they had me come in and told me that there was no way my contacts caused this problem and they were not under any obligation to let me know about the recall. Coopervision has been very helpful and have offered to review any medical expenses I had for reimbursement. My eye care provider, on the other hand, has been less then helpful and even started blaming for not taking of my contacts well.

From Monica on October 12, 2011: I just started to use the Frequency 55 toric lenses and have been experiencing pain and redness in both of my eyes, I decided to stopped wearing them just this morning because my left eye hurt so bad as soon as I put it on, coincidentally my husband heard about the recall for the Avaira lenses. I called the company and they said that they have not had any report on the Frequency 55 Toric lenses. they suggested I call the place where I bought them.

From an Anonymous reader on October 12, 2011: I would like to respond to Melissa Cotton’s experience/post. I have been having trouble with the ProClear MultiFocal lenses since January 2011. Unfortunately, no one will listen to me. I returned two separate orders of the ProClears to my eye doctor and they basically wrote me off as a complainer. I found a new eye doctor and he was at least willing to listen. I took my entire collection of ProClear lenses into his office and he asked me to put in a fresh pair so he could check my vision. The first lens we opened was only half there! It had been ripped in half and packaged that way. I believe there are some very serious manufacturing and quality control issues at CooperVision and they appear to be hiding from them rather than facing them and resolving them. They are ruining their reputation. One interesting aspect I found was that when working with my initial eye doctor, she would order me a set of trial contacts to wear. They were perfect. Then she would order the full package of contacts and the problems would recur. I wonder if the manufacturer and/or location for the trial contacts is different than for the boxed/packaged contacts. The vision problems I experienced were blurry vision, scratchy, dry, uncomfortable contacts, headaches and general eye discomfort. I am grateful that I did not have to go through a corneal abrasion to figure out that I am done with CooperVision contacts. It would really be helpful, and the responsible thing to do, for CooperVision to release information regarding the residue that is causing the problems, if they even know.

From Diane on October 12, 2011: I have worn CooperVision Clear Soft lenses for a while with no problem, –but over the summer, I began experiencing pain , redness, itching, and a strange gummy discharge in both eyes from time to time—-and had NO IDEA about the recall until tonight. Some of the lenses were fine, and others, I had to throw out.–I attributed it all to allergies, and just kept using Visine for relief. Tonight, the situation became suddenly severe, and I went on line to see if there was anything written about this–and I am shocked and furious at the negligence of Cooper, the FDA, and my practioner– Cohen’s Fashion Optical in NYC for their silence. Just now, I entered my lot # on the Cooper website–and the response was that my lenses were not affected(??!!)

From Diane (again) on October 14, 2011: My CooperVision ClearSoft lenses purchased July 2011 caused the very same symptoms reported by Toric lens wearers–ie: burning, redness, gummy white discarge, pain,and blurry vision.—I attributed it to allergies, and used Visine for relief, continuing to wear the lenses.—I had no idea about the CooperVision recall until 2 nights ago, when my eyes were in such pain, that I went online to search for alternative brands.—There, I discovered all the recall info .–Alarmed, I entered my lot # ar the CooperVision website, which answered that my lenses were not affected(?!)—Yesterday I called Cooper Vision to report my situation, and was told” while my lenses were not involved, I should return them to my eye-care provider, they would replace them free of charge.” I indeed went to my care provider–Cohen’s Fashion Optical–was diagnosed with red-eye , and given a prescription for antibiotic/steroid drops . Needless to say, I certainly suspect that my lenses were the cause;–I have worn this brand for many years with no problem– until July !

From Ed on October 15, 2011: I had problems with Frequency 55 too. They were good for two weeks then it would get cloudy and move around. I’ve had discharge even after removing them. I assumed it was pollen in the air. Every contact would go bad after 2 or 3 weeks. I would use rewetting drops constantly.

From Ed (again) on October 15, 2011: It’s not just the Avaira’s. My Frequency 55’s were bothering me all summer. I thought it was pollen or reformulated saline solution. The Coopervision website ask for a 14 digit Lot # but my box only has 12 digits, so i get no information. If you use any Coopervision’s other than Avaira and experience unusual discomfort, take the time to complain to the FDA form 3500. I’ve heard some people are going to the hospital, corneas are damaged…

From Holly (again) on October 15, 2011: I have also had symptoms from the CooperVision Frequency 55 Toric lenses. Like some others on here, I thought allergies may be the cause of the itching and redness from my first pair in this box of contacts. Last Saturday I opened a new pair and within 20-30 minutes of wearing them started to experience fogging of the lenses. It was a cold, foggy morning and I tried rewetting drops to see if it would clear. The fogging – a bit like the way your car windshield fogs up, got progressively worse until I could barely see out of my left lens. I went home to remove the lenses, since I did not have glasses with me. It took several hours for my vision to return to normal even after removing the lenses. I am going in to my eye care provider this morning to return the rest of the box!

From Merridy, via email, on October 15, 2011: Since all the lens types are probably manufactured at the same facility, by the same machines, you may have a problem and not know it until you use it. I was astonished that there was so much damage from the lenses as reported by people with pain, tearing, corneal damage, etc. My problem was not so severe, but I literally couldn’t see out of my right eye. I don’t remember having pain with it. I took the contact out twice to clean it, but the damage had been done to make the cornea ‘hazy’. I gave my eye another day-off, then rewashed and used the lens. It seemed okay, although that may explain why I have such poor vision in the right eye even with lens in. Sigh.

From Kim on October 18, 2011: I knew nothing about the recall and I wore my contacts for ONE day and took them out before bed. I woke up at 3 in the morning with unbearable eye pain and had my husband take me to the ER the next day because I could not take the pain anymore. I ended up having to go to another eye dr the next day and several times after that because of a scratched cornea and swollen, red eye. I bought the Coopervision PROCLEAR EP lenses which I had never used before. It was a new lens the dr had me try. I have been wearing lenses for 20 years and never had this problem before. AFTER this happened I just began looking on the internet and discovered the recall. It makes me sick that they knew about this and did not inform anyone. They told me a may now never be able to wear contacts again!

From Breanna on October 22, 2011: I too have been effected. Mine were purchased in australia on june/july. I went on my ‘trip of a lifetime’ 6 week holiday to usa. I arrived blind into lax after using these lenses the day before. Blind in a foreign country! 2 weeks later not knowing I put in my fresh set. Blind again!!! Next set I soaked and cleaned overnight with my own solution no issues. 2 weeks later again fay after insertion same thing. Diagnosed by doctor with corneal ulcer. Lost 5 days of my holiday. Lost 2 days work. Ho into eye docs informed there was a recall but not on my batch?!? I have SUFFERED AND LOST$ $$ AND LOST PART OF A HOLIDAY I’ve SAVED A LIFETIME FOR. I WANT COMPENSATION.

From Larry on October 22, 2011: I have the same issue but mine was easier to determine. Wearing frequency 55 toric for 2 years and just had 2 new boxes drop shipped from discount contact Done I had an uneven number and I had just changed my right lens I only changed the left. Within 5 minutes my left eye began to look like it was cloudy. I took the lens out and cleaned it and put it back in. I hoped it would resolve itself, and it bothered me all day. I took the lens out and my vision was still cloudy, but resolved itself by the morning. I put the same lens back in the next morning and boom same cloudy vision. Took that lens out and cleaned it and waited for symptoms to resolve. Then I put in the next lens from the pack and boom, cloudy vision. Cleaned it very well and put the lens back in and it began to be unbearable a few hours later. Since removed the lenses and the symptoms resolved themselves. Only found out about the recall (which was not for this specific lens) but refined my search and found this site. I am very upset.

From Christina on October 28, 2011: Got my recall notice in the mail today 10/28/2011 saying that coopervision has a recall on avair toric soft contact lense typed in my lot number and they are recalled. Took my contacts back to walmart when i got them. The ladies had NO idea here was a recall that I was the first person to come in. They had to call their main office i guess getting ready to get a new brand and they said i have to go to my eye doctor to get a brand and bring that back to order. I have had so many problems with my left eye since i have been wearing these. Left eye gets all red, swollen, and waters so much i cant handle it. Never had been to the Er for it. Now this week my left has been red all week and hurts. The person at walmart said to flush it out well duh i have been all week like 6 times a day and still does no good at all. Went to eye doctor and cant get into monday so im stuck all weekend not being able to drive bc i cant wear the contacts. Im hoping there is going to be a lawsuit bc i will join in it.

From Christina (again) on October 28, 2011: Forgot to [add] about the cloudiness that i had when i 1st put them in. Lasted about 1 hour after i put them in took them out still lasted for an hour, threw them away tried another pair same thing, called the eye doctor and he told me everything was fine just to keep wearing them. Well everytime I have to put new contacts in its the same thing. So im hoping to get different contacts that doesnt do this.

From Tracey on October 30, 2011: I purchased a year supply of avaira toric lenses in august 2011 I had problems since day one with them When I first put them on they are ok for a short time; then they become blurry and they make my eye hurt i have to take them out and i cant try to wear them for at least 3 days it causes me to have mucus build up in my eyes i complained to my eye doctor and she prescribed proclear toric but they did the same thing to me My eye doctor has written me off as a complainner She actually acted annoyed with me because I said neither lens works for me I went thru a year supply in two months I called my eye doctor to let her know about recall and was told they we’re recalled due to not being able to keep up with the demand (orders) I said if that was the case they would be back orders not RECALLED They dont recall contacts because they cant keep up with demand. She said she has not recedived any information about the recall I emailed consumer care at cooper vision no reply I called the number supplied by cooper vision to call with concerns about the recall. I was told can not help me without the lot numbers. I dont have the lot numbers. They took my name and number and said they will have someone call me back. Still waiting for their call.

From Stephen on November 1, 2011: I have had lens fogging issues with Coopervision Torics for the last 5 or 6 years. However, the actual lens develops a foggy defect, always in the field of vision, of course, that ruins the lens. Though this usually occurs after a couple of months, it has happened in as little as 3 days of wearing them. I wear it 24/6. I take it out, soak it for deposits and disinfect. I have reported this to my Optician/Optometrist who has, in turn, reposrted it to Coopervision. Coopervisions response is I am the only person on the planet reporting the issue. Last year they replaced the lot of four I had previously purchased and which ,all four, had lasted only 2 months; not 2 months each. Questions posed to my optometrist about using a different supplier/mfgr have been unheeded.

From Drock on November 2, 2011: I found this post when researching the recall of Coopervision’s contacts- mine are the Frequency 55 toric. Last evening I was able to get in to see my eye doctor after experiencing haziness, swelling, itchiness, redness and pain in both eyes after inserting a new pair of lens that I recently purchased from 1-800-contacts. The haziness began a half-hour after inserting them, which has happened every time I put them in but then clears up eventually. After taking the contacts out because the haziness got worse instead of better, that’s when my eyes became very swollen, very painful and irritated and STILL hazy! My doctor of course told me my eyes were very irritated and my corneas were enlarged. Also, I should note that when I opened ONE new contact container (I have the same prescription for both eyes) there were TWO contacts inside! I used the two instead of throwing out the one… It seems there should be a recall on these too, no? I have been using them for a year an d have loved how comfortable they are as my eyes are very sensitive. I will not be using them and will contact 1-800-contacts to inform them of the problem I have. Today, the haze is gone, but my eyes still ache and are still very swollen.

From KA on November 4, 2011: I just discovered that I have a cornea abrasion and I believe it was caused by my contacts- Coopervision Frequency 55 Toric. I put a new pair in and instantly my right eye was blurry. It got progressively worse during the day and when I took it out to rinse and put it back in the pain was unbearable. After a few hours I couldn’t even open my eye. I was diagnosed with a cornea abrasion. I believe this issue only occured in my right eye becasue the left eye has a different contact lens type and is not the Coopervision Frequency 55 Toric.

From Angela on November 15, 2011: I have worn proclear lenses for years now and not had a problem until this year… I cannot see out of my left lenses, everything is blurry. I had an old pair of same perscription lenses and tried those and I have perfect vision with them. Went back to my eye doctor, they said no one has had problems with theirs but that they would replace mine, the replacements came and I am having the same issues with those….I called coopervision and they said there has been no other complaints and I should take them back to my eye care provider, I’m really upset that nobody is fixing this problem! I love my contacts and just want to see clearly out of them with no hassels! That’s what I pay for right? My son just got pro clear torics and now I’m worried about his eye saftey as well. My lenses were purchased in march 2011 and have a 10 digit lot number.

From Janet on November 15, 2011: I’ve been having problems with my eyes since late August and thought it was allergies. Swelling, redness, twitching, tingling, burning, crusty eyes. Went to the doctor and got steroids, changed contact solutions and it got a little better. But now it’s back again. I wear Frequency 55 (not toric) and have been miserable for months. I suspect that this recall will expand. It should! I’m positive that my eye problems are from these lenses.

From Felicia on November 30, 2011:  I have also experienced some of the same symptoms that all of you have mentioned…swollen eye lids, sensitive vision to light, burning extreme redness, pain like you wouldn’t believe. I needed my contacts to see so I tried to keep waering them and endure the pain, but it got to the point where I just couldn’t wear them anymore. I informed the Dcoctor at America Best the first time about my symptoms with my eyes, she prescibed medicated drops and recommended that I dsicontinue wearing my lense for 2 weeks. Then after a 2 week follow up she told me not to wear them again until after another 2 weeks, because of the white spots in my eyes. She never mentioned that the cause of the irritation was due to the lenses. I never went to the ER I just used the drops til my eyes weren’t sore anymore. The second time I started feeling the symptoms occurring around May or June some time, I immediately stopped weraring the lenses due to the fear of what happened the first time. I still have the white dots on my cornea, and I’m not even sure what it is. Since I’ve recieved the recall letter Im definitely going to an ophtomolgist to find out what these dots are. I’m so scared of what they may say. Unfortunately I no longer have the LOT numbers from the old packages, I never thought I would need them. I tried calling Coopervision as well as Americas Best to retrieve the LOT numbers from old purchases however neither of them could provide this information.

From Tania on November 30, 2011: I have the proclear contacts too and had the same problem as Kim. My cornea was scratched, had to spend a fortune at the eye doctor and on medicine for my eyes and glasses and can’t wear contacts again for awhile. I thought it was allergies or overtiredness, but come to find out it is the contact.

From Kristina on December 3, 2011: I am having the exact same problem with my FREQUENCY 55 TORIC. I went to the eye Dr a month ago and $300 later I had 2 torn corneas. A month later I am having the exact same issue. I can’t get into the Dr until Monday so I am stuck with this excruciating pain more than likely a huge doctor bill as well. Something needs to be done!!!!!

From Tawnia on December 5, 2011: My contacts came from Laurier Optical in Kemptville, Ontario, Canada. They caused severe itch, pain, and redness. Went to my doctor, who diagnosed me with having conjunctivitis ( pink eye!!), prescribed anti-biotic which seemed to work, although by that time i was solely wearing my glasses. I was also taking allergy medication as we had just adopted a cat and with her being long-haired i just assumed i had new found allergies…just glad we didn’t give her up, we talked about it :(. Interesting thing is, these posts seem to go back to early september, my store didn’t call me until today: December 5th!!!!!! Hows that for taking care of your patient.

From J. Thoney on December 7, 2011: Mine are doing the same thing. I thought it was just me. My left eye was also injured by a batch of the defective ones back in July. Sadly it happened twice because the first time I was incorrectly diagnosed with viral pink eye. A week later I put in another one. Both times ended up in the ER. Am working on trying to get reimbursed for my medical bills but have had no luck yet. I wonder if anyone has gotten money out of them? I’m now wearing my “replacement” ones that are supposed to be just fine. The batch for my right eye were not part of the recall but I now have this fogging thing in both eyes. Was going to ask my eye doctor but haven’t yet….after reading your post, I think I’m going to cut my losses, throw away the four boxes I have left of this brand and have my eye doctor start over with another kind. It’s not worth some kind of life-long eye injury over a year’s supply of contacts. Soooo disappointing!!

From Tiffaney on December 7, 2011: I wear Sofmed Breathables and my doctor has been trying to find out why i have been having terrible headaches. This isnt mentioned in the other posts but i have boxes that have the recalled lot number but this is odd thst i just started getting ill.

From Jessica on December 14, 2011: Im from goodyear Az and had the exact same thing.I experience severe eye pain on both my eyes.The pain was so intence I couldnt have my eyes open or close.My husband took me to the eye doctor,he gave me some drops called tobradex that did not work.He had to take me to the ER where they didnt do much either.I got home and had to put bags of ice on both my eyes and that seem to help a little.Im still having burning and redness on my eyes i cannot wear contacts at all.I was using the sofmed breathables lot #491303000528 and yes this are in recall and nobody notified me about this.I’m also hoping there is a lawsuit agaist them and i will also join.Thank you….

Fron JEnN on December 28, 2011: I am located at Singapore. Recently I had brought a contact lens brand Cooper Vision Mediflex 55. I had been using other brands contact lens for a long time without any problem. The first day I wear the Cooper Vision Mediflex 55 contact, my eyes start to be uncomfortable feel itchy and pain. not long my eyes turn to red and very red. I try an new pair of contact lens and stil get the same effect. please advise what I can do for it ??

From Paulette on January 2, 2012: My two older children had not only horrendous and extreme eye painful eyes but hemorrhaging as well, to the point that they could not go to school or work, and when i asked for Coopervision to pay for the replacing of the contacts in addition to eye glasses so that they could heal, and be able to finish finals and work, i was told that only the contact would be taken care of and was only the last box???

76 thoughts on “Readers Report CooperVision Contact Lens Problems

  1. My eye care provider suggested a pair of the multiple contact lenses to replace the monofocal lenses since I was forced to wear reading glasses with them. For a few days or a week it was golden and I was able to see clearly up close and at distance. Shortly thereafter however, I put my contacts in and went to work and after about two hours at work it was like someone pulled a hazy shade down over my eyes and I thought something was very seriously wrong. After going home and taking them out my vision remained cloudy for a couple of hours. I’m forced to go back to the mono-focal lenses because the multifocal contacts are not working for me and may in fact be causing damage which I definitely would like to avoid. Surprising and disheartening was the fact my eye care provider did not seem to take my claims seriously.


  2. I have been experiencing terrible problems with my right eye especially. I just recently purchased 6 months worth of CooperVision Averia lenses and after visiting with my eye doctor yesterday came to find out that these lenses have damaged my cornea leaving the exact imprint of the lenses I was wearing on my cornea. The lenses themselves had a ring of crusty deposit that was not removable with any cleaning method. My vision is now very foggy, my eyes are constantly red and tearing, along with itching and a rash along the perimeter of the eye. It is also affecting other regions of my face and I am experiencing severe headaches. The eye doctor does not think I will be able to return the unopened portion of my order for a refund. My best advice to anyone wearing contacts is “STAY AWAY FROM COOPERVISION PRODUCTS”. I have been wearing contacts for over 40 years now, have always used the utmost of care and diligence when handling my lenses and have never experienced this kind of problem. I can only hope that the damage these lenses have caused me are not permanent. Does anyone know of any recent recalls or lawsuits in regards to this product?


  3. I was trying out the cooper vision proclear multi focal daily disposable lens from costco. On day three after wearing them for 4-5 hours as I was told to do when I came home I couldn’t see the lenses in my eyes or feel them. They had stuck to my eyes! I was terrified. I poured saline in my eyes and apparently they fell out because when I got to the er they said the lenses weren’t there but I have a scratch on one of my eyes- thank god it is not the cornea. I’m using antibiotic drops for a week and the doctor said no contacts for a week.

    I called cooper vision the night this happened and they have no one to help you and have never returned my call. I left a message.

    I’m terrified to use any contacts again to be honest. I think I’m lucky I didn’t have more severe damage. How can a contact stick in your eye this way after only a short period? Something is wrong. I was using the rewetting drops as directed and I used them to try to remove them too.

    I got my samples at the costco near me in Lake Grove, NY.


  4. Well i started using this biofinity toric lenses from cooper vision /costco in san diego ca used them for about 2 years cleaning them every day with no issues till last week when out of nothing my left eye started stinging after a couple of hrs my left eye was all but blury removed the lens too find out that as soon as i removed the lens my eye started stinging even worse i washed my eyes and used my frame glasses .. my left eye is permanently blury till today after a week of not wearing coontacts my left eye is blury.. and to what i was reading is no good news for my eye ..will be going to visit my eye doctor soon


  5. Our patient is currently wearing Proclear spherical contacts od: -13.50
    os: -14.00
    The contacts keep tearing. Patient is very unhappy and wants to return opened boxes. Can she return them directly to Cooper Vision for credit. Our distributor does not accept opened boxes. Please advise


  6. Reading all these complaints is disgusting. Cooper vision should be ashamed of themselves. It just solidifies the problem I had a couple years ago. I was switched from regular acuvue lenses to the biofinity torics due to astigmatism. I noticed discomfort immediately but thought it was my eyes just getting used to them. Then the redness and pain started and I landed in the ER with an ULCER in my eye. I was told I was lucky I came in that day as I was close to needing a corneal transplant but wasn’t out of the woods yet. After daily visits to an ophthalmologist and putting drops in hourly to try and save my cornea I was given the all clear after a month to continue my contact use. Stupid me, I got a new pair of the torics out of the box and in less than a week, two more ulcers. I had to wait a year after this to stabilize my eyes enough to even attempt soft contacts again (in the interim we tried hard contacts which were a pain but I had no problems with them). After the year I though I’d do a test and see if the torics would be ok. Nope, immediate redness. I went out and got Acuvue Astigmatism the same day and have not had a problem with my eyes since. This company put my life through a whirlwind and I have yet to see a recall on the biofinity torics. I was smart enough to keep a hold of the boxes of the unused ones in hopes that someone will do something about this atrocity one day. I can’t even get Lasik because of the scars on my eyes caused by these lenses.


  7. I was offered these by my eye dr. I accepted, believing he knows best. After 2 weeks I was back in his office with this terrible pain in the inner upper area of my eye. He said I should leave the lenses out for a few days so I could adjust. I put new lenses in and my eye instantly felt better. Consistently every month one of my eyes gets this “eye lash” pain feeling, becomes red and irritated, and I have to go two days in my glasses. These lenses are garbage. I just wish I would have read the reviews before I committed to these irritation inducing lenses.


  8. I’ve been ordering CooperVision Avaira contacts from for 3 years now. I never had a problem before the last few months, I’ve been having serious issues. I ordered 2 boxes for each eye this last time around. Every single pair I have put in has caused a bad reaction in my R eye and mildly in my L eye. I started noticing itchy eyes, then tearing, then irritation. At first I thought it could just be an allergy so I took them out. 2 days later, my eyes were fine. I opened fresh lenses and put them in. A day later, the same reaction. I sat through it because I could not figure out if it was the contacts or some allergy. I have been wearing contacts 16 years and never had this issue and did not think a contact could cause such things.

    I kept throwing them away and putting in fresh ones. When I started getting low, I put fresh ones in and there seemed to have been no reaction. I noticed my eyes tearing right before I fell asleep for a quick nap on the couch. There was a slight itch. When I woke up, my eyes were glued shut! They felt like alien eyes. I freaked out, put warm cloth on them to open them up and my vision was super blurry! I took out the contacts and threw them away. I thought maybe I had pink eyes or something so I waited for a few days, used some visine allergy relief and then my eyes cleared up. No signs of anything.

    I didn’t have noticeably red eyes during that time, so again, I thought maybe allergies unrelated to contacts. I know you’re wondering why I didn’t get it by now, but I’ve never had contact issues in the 16 years that I’ve worn them! Anyway, we are getting down to the past couple of weeks of lens wear. My right eye now, whether there is a contact in or out is irritated, sore, my vision is blurrier than usual and the underside of my upper R eye lid is really really itchy a lot. I have tearing and a film that sits just under my bottom eyelid that I have to keep wiping off. The L eye has only been mildly irritated. Today, it hit me and I went online to speak with 1800contacts about it, saw the order date of my recent 4 boxes, and realized the date coincided with when I started experiencing the problem.

    1800contacts is shipping me half of a replacement of my order tomorrow free of charge so I can see if it was just the batch that I have now or not. They were very apologetic and everything.

    I decided to come online and research about Avaira contacts and I find all kinds of things like my story. I’m so worried now that something will end up being wrong with my eye 😦 Did they change some ingredient in their lenses that people are getting allergic to? What is it?

    This is a huge deal. I mean, they are eyes…the ONLY things we can see with . . .


  9. My daughter went to a new eye doctor after our insurance changed in March 2013. She was given biofinity toric contacts from Coopervision. Her eye became irritated and she attributed this discomfort to her seasonal allergies. She suffered through the summer with this discomfort, only able to wear the contacts occasionally. She ordered another set in September and the symptoms persisted and found after an examination by the eye doctor she had developed hives under her eye lids. He gave her a sample of the Bausch & Lomb contact lens she had worn for the previous ten years and she now is fine. Her doctor at San Luis Obispo Eye Associates
    refuses to replace the second set of lenses with the Bauch & Lomb because my daughter had opened the Coopervision to try them. I would caution anyone from purchasing Coopervision contact lenses due to the defective manufacture and sub par materials they seem to be using in their products. Question any eye examiners about their return policies and if they will not refund purchases of the products they distribute avoid doing business with them also.


    1. Dear Terry, please contact us at We would like to learn more about your experience and gather details to aid our team in follow up to your concerns. Please retain any lenses you may still have.


        1. Can you please share the outcome of this? I am still having problems with CooperVision trying to resolve my own issues with these lenses. They are not cooperative whatsoever!


  10. So glad I found this site, I too am having terrible burning, cloudy vision, ripped contacts . Never had problems like this. I ordered a box and used a couple pair and thought they were defective, called where I ordered them, they sent a new box and now the same problems only can’t wear them more than a
    few hours and while they are supposed to last a month, have to change to a new pair every 3 days.Heading to eye doctor in a couple days and hope there is no damage to my eyes.


  11. I wore contact lenses for 16 years and in 2102 the eye doctor gave me a tiral pair of coopervision bioinfinity bifocal lenses and 3 days later I had excruciating pain and went to emergency room. They sent me to opthamoligist and said it was a scratched cornea come back in two days. Then came back and opthamologist freaked out and sent me to cornea specialist..Now I have a scarred cornea and blurred vision and cannot see out of my right eye! No one will do anything! I spent months at a cornea specialist and he said I can get a cornea transplant but it may not take!! Where can I get help or recorse on this it is not right that no one cares…I went to same eye doctor at Walmart in Mt. Pleasant Michigan…


  12. Wait until you go in and due to the damage to the cornea from wearing the Cooper Vision contacts. The doctor states that the contacts have caused Keratoconus. My sons that have worn the contacts from cooper vision contact for two to three month part time due to the pain they have caused. We went to the eye doctor and advised him that the contacts caused him pain. The eye doctor stated that was normal and to keep trying to wear them. So my son followed the eye doctors orders. Then my older son lost his vision. We went into a eye doctor that specialized in corneas and he stated the keratoconus was from wearing the contacts. The contacts destroyed his cornea. We reported this to the FDA and no response. So monitor you cornea very close before you go blind. Have a doctor that is specialized in cornea’s to monitor your eyes after wearing Cooper Vision contacts. Christine H.


  13. I’ve been wearing the Cooper Vision ProClear Compatibles for over a year without a problem, but something has changed with the new packaging. Is anyone else having problems? Prescription is not the same, can’t wear it as long without feeling some irritation, even had pain in one eye after a couple weeks of wear. Cooper Vision insists that nothing has changed with the manufacturing, but I can see fine with my old ones (orange and blue boxes), can’t see the writing on a sheet of paper with the new ones and blurry around the edges. Any suggestions on what brand to try to replace them? My eye doctor claims there’s nothing similar in terms of size and fit. Finding that hard to believe but don’t know what to do next. I’m out of lenses!


  14. I just got back from America’s Best. They had given me a trial of Softmed breathable toric and they were ok but got uncomfortable before the 2 weeks were up. I figured I had the wrong solution and ordered a 3 month supply. I got a coupon in my bag for another type of solution and bought some on the way home. Well, these expensive contacts started fogging up on me. I took the remainder of my contacts back to American’s Best and they are making me pay for that crap they gave me. I wanted my prescription and they gave me a month trial of my old kind of contacts but told me I had to pay for them if I ordered them… What kind of business makes you pay for defective expensive contacts. America’s Best (Worst)! Since I’m on their “plan”, I will only get prescriptions from them and order from someone else. I will never do business again when that plan is up.


  15. I have been wearing Cooper Vision Multifocal lenses for the past several years. Since January I have received 2 boxes that I strongly believe are defective. This last batch, stung my eye when I tried putting it in, plus it felt overly thick. So sad. I am now researching other brands and their reviews.


  16. My eyes are getting worse and worse the older I get. It really helps to find a blog that helps me figure out why that is happening and what I should be doing about it. I really enjoyed reading this since I’ve been having problems with my contacts lately.


  17. I went to a new eye doctor in March 2013. I got a new prescription AquaTech. I only wear them on weekends and only for 5-8hrs at that. The 3rd weekend I took them out after 5hrs to take a nap. When I woke up o couldn’t open my eye’s! The pain was excruciating! I didn’t wear them for two weeks after that. I put in a new pair and same thing happens. Now 4 weeks of not wearing the contacts my eyes are still sensative to light and my left eye is still blurry. Anyone with more information please notify me.


  18. Wow….I am so sorry for all the pain and suffering I am reading about! I know how painful corneal abrasions are. It’s very disturbing to read that Coopervision is not being responsible in covering the monetary portion of this ordeal. I will not be giving Coopervision my business and encourage anyone reading these posts to boycott this company. I hope you all heal quickly.


  19. I have the frequency 55 toric lenses and I have had the same box for about 2 years, I didn’t wear them very often because because every time I took out the left contact my eye would be hazy for about 2 hours and then it would clear up. I decided to try again because I thought that it was just me, this was on Sunday March 17th, 2013 and when I took them out my left was in serious pain!! I had to go to the ER and they told me that I had an ulcer on my cornea!!! I got my contacts from America’s Best and they are not doing anything about it. They schedule me for an appt, today and when I got there they said that I wasn’t scheduled and rescheduled me for tomorrow with an attitude and told me I was being ridiculous. Thanks. I had to find out about the recall on my own!! Today. Fantastic, this is sarcasm.


    1. I had a similar experience with the Frequency 55 Toric lens in January. I put in a new lens and it bothered me all day. After I took it out, the pain got worse. By the time I went to bed, I was in excruiating pain. It got worse as the night went on; like someone was stabbing my eye with a knife. I ended up in the ER the next morning with a HUGE corneal tear. My eye was swollen, watering, burning, and very sensitive to light. I saw my optomotrist twice a week for nearly 2 weeks and was on steroid drops for awhile. I began wearing my lenses again nearly 2 months later. Today I put in a brand new lens from the same box; it started to bother me within 3 hours, so I took it out. The same symptoms reappeared! I was able to see my optometrist. She told me my eye was very swollen and that it looked like the cornea was getting ready to tear again, and to not to rub my eye. I am back on steroid drops. The company denies there is any problem with this brand of lens. I say there is. That is 2 lenses out of 4 so far in this box that have been bad right out of the gate. My optometrist stated that it was quite a large area that was swollen.


      1. Hello,
        I am so glad I stumbled upon this post. I am new to contacts and my doctor started me off with Cooper lenses (Multifocal/astigmatism) The first week it was like looking through a milk stained glass. My eyes were blurry. I went back to the eye doctor she switched to a different power and told me I had dry eye(since when?). Off I went with another pair of Cooper lenses. One ripped while switching them out in her office! Two days later through blurry eyes I fished another ripped lense out of my eye. Now I am sitting here fishing out fragments of yet another Cooper lense. A small piece is stuck under my lid and my eye is burning. This has been horrible. I go back to her tomorrow. You can best believe I will NOT be walking out with Cooper contact lenses tomorrow. Cooper ill be hearing from me if there is any damage to my eyes!
        Thanks again for your post, I thought I was going crazy.


  20. My son wore Coopervision Proclear toric contact lenses he had red eyes, scratched corneas and swelling of the cornea and they reshaped the cornea in his eyes and created him to have keratoconus. The first specialist I brought my son to stated this was caused from the contacts he wore and the eye doctor prescribed him steroid eye drops. The eye doctor stated my son’s corneas was within normal limits prior to wearing the contacts. The second cornea specialist we went to would not say anything. All he said is in the history of keratoconus patients this is only seen in 30 year old patients. My son is 14 years old. My son has not had any vision changes since 1998 and now he is almost blind. He wore the Coopervison Proclear toric contacts off and on for four to five month. Off and on due to pain he had in his eyes and the eye doctor that prescribed them told him he would have to get use to wearing them to keep trying. If anyone is newly dx with keratocorneas and wore Coopervision lenses please let me know or swelling of cornea & any changes in the shape of their corneas.


  21. Purchased Sofmed Breathables lenses from an America’s Best in Chicago, though not the Toric or Avaira. My left lense caused immediate pain in my left eye, so I took it out and tried another contact from an adjacent lot number. Still incredibly painful. Removed that one, and because me prescription is so close in both eyes, just put a contact for my right eye in my left. No pain. Took them back to the doctor, where I was told because they weren’t found on the recall list, I must have an eye infection. Despite the fact that the eye was only affected by lenses from these two specific boxes, and several pairs of contacts since have been fine. I think the recall needs to be expanded. Currently waiting to see if they’ll exchange and send to the manufacturer for testing like I asked.


  22. I purchased Sofmed Breathables toric lenses in June, 2011 from Americas Best in Douglasville,GA. I had always experienced eye discomfort while wearing them. So much so in my left eye that i barely wore them. I put in my last pair recently & immediately experienced discomfort followed by haziness. I removed the lens, & then cleaned it & tried it again-still uncomfortable. I waited a few days & cleaned them again & wore it & it felt fine, no haziness. I removed them that night & the next morning i woke up to what i thought was pink eye, my left eye was swollen shut, it was tearing up like crazy, red, light sensitivity, it hurt when i opened it, closed it it was just EXCRUTIATING PAIN! I made an urgent eye appt & they told me I had a severe corneal abrasion. I explained to the dr all of the issues I had been having & only when I went in for my follow-up did she tell me the lenses had been recalled. I never rcvd a letter or anything. I am furious to think i have been wearing these lenses! I already have terrible eye sight; I trusted this company with my livelihood! I want to be compensated for this!!!!!


  23. My two older children had not only horrendous and extreme eye painful eyes but hemorrhaging as well, to the point that they could not go to school or work, and when i asked for Coopervision to pay for the replacing of the contacts in addition to eye glasses so that they could heal, and be able to finish finals and work, i was told that only the contact would be taken care of and was only the last box???


  24. My two older children had not only horrendous and extreme eye painful eyes but hemorrhaging as well, to the point that they could not go to school or work, and when i asked for Coopervision to pay for the replacing of the contacts in addition to eye glasses so that they could heal, and be able to finish finals and work, i was told that only the contact would be taken care of and was only the last box???


  25. I wear Sofmed Breathables and my doctor has been trying to find out why i have been having terrible headaches. This isnt mentioned in the other posts but i have boxes that have the recalled lot number but this is odd thst i just started getting ill.


  26. I am having the exact same problem with my FREQUENCY 55 TORIC. I went to the eye Dr a month ago and $300 later I had 2 torn corneas. A month later I am having the exact same issue. I can’t get into the Dr until Monday so I am stuck with this excruciating pain more than likely a huge doctor bill as well. Something needs to be done!!!!!


  27. Does Anyone have information on how to get the LOT numbers from old purchases of the contact lenses? Coopervision and America’s Best were unable to provide this information. Is there anyone else that has suffererd past injuries but no longer have the LOT numbers because they may have disposed of the box after usage. If I would have known that there would be a recall I would’ve kept the evidence…how unfair is that!


  28. From Felicia, I have also experienced some of the same symptoms that all of you have mentioned…swollen eye lids, sensitive vision to light, burning extreme redness, pain like you wouldn’t believe. I needed my contacts to see so I tried to keep waering them and endure the pain, but it got to the point where I just couldn’t wear them anymore. I informed the Dcoctor at America Best the first time about my symptoms with my eyes, she prescibed medicated drops and recommended that I dsicontinue wearing my lense for 2 weeks. Then after a 2 week follow up she told me not to wear them again until after another 2 weeks, because of the white spots in my eyes. She never mentioned that the cause of the irritation was due to the lenses. I never went to the ER I just used the drops til my eyes weren’t sore anymore. The second time I started feeling the symptoms occuringi around May or June some time, I immediately stoped weraring the lenses due to the fear of what happened the first time. I still have the white dots on my cornea, and I’m not even sure what it is. Since I’ve recieved the recall letter Im definitely going to an ophtomolgist to find out what these dots are. I’m so scared of what they may say. Unfortunately I no longer have the LOT numbers from the old packages, I never thought I would need them. I tried calling Coopervision as well as Americas Best to retrieve the LOT numbers from old purchases however neither of them could provide this information.


  29. If it wasn’t for Costco sending me a postcard to return my Avaria contacts, I would not have known about this recall. Seems very irresponsible on CooperVision’s part to not have given public announcement on major networks and online news lines. We hear more about car recalls than this. Very disappointing and disgusting to think people have eye problems or potential to have eye problems and are left to randomness on being made aware of this. I do not want to buy CooperVision. We made more of a stink about NetFlix changing its name than this. I don’t accept that other eye contacts have had the same issue with having to recall as an excuse for why this is no big deal.


    1. The office where I recieve my eye care as of today did not know anything about either one of the coopervision recalls….is it really a recall if the people selling you the contact lenses don’t even know about it? How many more people have to be injured?


  30. I have worn proclear lenses for years now and not had a problem until this year… I cannot see out of my left lenses, everything is blurry. I had an old pair of same perscription lenses and tried those and I have perfect vision with them. Went back to my eye doctor, they said no one has had problems with theirs but that they would replace mine, the replacements came and I am having the same issues with those….I called coopervision and they said there has been no other complaints and I should take them back to my eye care provider, I’m really upset that nobody is fixing this problem! I love my contacts and just want to see clearly out of them with no hassels! That’s what I pay for right? My son just got pro clear torics and now I’m worried about his eye saftey as well. My lenses were purchased in march 2011 and have a 10 digit lot number.


    1. Does anyone know if the issues with the coopervision contact lenses have been resolved? I have been checking the internet and I see nothing new….Has coopervision “fixed” their contact lenses? Are they safe? Has the FDA held the company accountable in any way?


      1. @Angela – I have seen no new information on the FDA site or elsewhere. FDA inspected a CooperVision facility in W. Henrietta, NY last October and identified several deficiencies (see the full report here: If you scroll to the end of the report, you will see that the company promised to correct these deficiencies within “24 weeks” (which puts the correction date around the beginning of April, if my math is correct).


  31. I have had lens fogging issues with Coopervision Torics for the last 5 or 6 years.
    However, the actual lens develops a foggy defect, always in the field of vision, of course, that ruins the lens.
    Though this usually occurs after a couple of months, it has happened in as little as 3 days of wearing them.
    I wear it 24/6. I take it out, soak it for deposits and disinfect.
    I have reported this to my Optician/Optometrist who has, in turn, reposrted it to Coopervision.
    Coopervisions response is I am the only person on the planet reporting the issue.
    Last year they replaced the lot of four I had previously purchased and which ,all four, had lasted only 2 months; not 2 months each.
    Questions posed to my optometrist about using a different supplier/mfgr have been unheeded.


    1. Mine are doing the same thing. I thought it was just me. My left eye was also injured by a batch of the defective ones back in July. Sadly it happened twice because the first time I was incorrectly diagnosed with viral pink eye. A week later I put in another one. Both times ended up in the ER. Am working on trying to get reimbursed for my medical bills but have had no luck yet. I wonder if anyone has gotten money out of them?

      I’m now wearing my “replacement” ones that are supposed to be just fine. The batch for my right eye were not part of the recall but I now have this fogging thing in both eyes. Was going to ask my eye doctor but haven’t yet….after reading your post, I think I’m going to cut my losses, throw away the four boxes I have left of this brand and have my eye doctor start over with another kind. It’s not worth some kind of life-long eye injury over a year’s supply of contacts. Soooo disappointing!!


    2. I have been having MAJOR problems with Coopervision Proclear toric lenses. They are horrible. It feels like Vaseline is on the lenses, my eyes burn and itch, and I have a discharge every morning. This has never happened to me before, and I’ve been wearing contacts for 30+ years! The ironic thing is that none of the eye doctors will listen! They blame it on allergies, or dry eyes. Baloney!!! They are defective lenses, who have ruined peoples’ eyes, and are continuing to do so. And they are getting away with it. The ONLY way to stop this is for everyone to stop buying them. CooperVision is a disgrace and a monster of a company. My eye doctor wouldn’t even give me a refund since the boxes were opened. How else would i have known there was a problem, had i not opened the boxes and tried them????? I am no longer wearing ANY of CooperVision products, not do i go to that eye doctor anymore. Shame on all of them!!!!!


  32. I too have been effected. Mine were purchased in australia on june/july. I went on my ‘trip of a lifetime’ 6 week holiday to usa. I arrived blind into lax after using these lenses the day before. Blind in a foreign country! 2 weeks later not knowing I put in my fresh set. Blind again!!! Next set I soaked and cleaned overnight with my own solution no issues. 2 weeks later again fay after insertion same thing. Diagnosed by doctor with corneal ulcer. Lost 5 days of my holiday. Lost 2 days work. Ho into eye docs informed there was a recall but not on my batch?!? I have SUFFERED AND LOST$ $$ AND LOST PART OF A HOLIDAY I’ve SAVED A LIFETIME FOR. I WANT COMPENSATION.


  33. I have also had symptoms from the CooperVision Frequency 55 Toric lenses. Like some others on here, I thought allergies may be the cause of the itching and redness from my first pair in this box of contacts. Last Saturday I opened a new pair and within 20-30 minutes of wearing them started to experience fogging of the lenses. It was a cold, foggy morning and I tried rewetting drops to see if it would clear. The fogging – a bit like the way your car windshield fogs up, got progressively worse until I could barely see out of my left lens. I went home to remove the lenses, since I did not have glasses with me. It took several hours for my vision to return to normal even after removing the lenses. I am going in to my eye care provider this morning to return the rest of the box!


  34. HERE’S THE KICKER: THE CONTACT LENS THAT RUINED MY EYE FOR A FULL 12 HOURS TESTS “OK, NO RECALL” WHEN I INPUT THE LOT NUMBER AT COOPER VISION’S WEB SITE. Now what? At the time, Oct. 4th, I was pretty sure it was residue on the new lens and that I hadn’t washed it sufficiently. Luckily, I could see again after a full nights rest. How can I trust any of my new lenses if they don’t acknowledge that this lot number was contaminated? FYI: it was lot # 10472500007024


  35. I had two reactions to these contacts. The first time I was told I had two abrasions to my cornea but they did not know what caused it because I had been there the day before. The next time I had opened up my new box of contacts and put them in on Saturday and my eye started hurting so I tool them out. By mid day Sunday my eye was hurting and tearing so badly that I could not see. I went to my GP on monday and she gave me antibiotics but I was unable to work for two days, not to mention being in horrible pain for the better part of three days. My husband called Coopervision and they told him about the recall, not my eye doctor. When I told them what happened they had me come in and told me that there was no way my contacts caused this problem and they were not under any obligation to let me know about the recall. Coopervision has been very helpful and have offered to review any medical expenses I had for reimbursement. My eye care provider, on the other hand, has been less then helpful and even started blaming for not taking of my contacts well.


  36. As if this could not get any worse!!! I was one of the first posts regarding a severe corneal abrasion that I went to the ER for on September 4th. I was wearing the Avaira lenses.
    Last evening my husband came home and said he must have pink eye. He’d taken out his lenses earlier because his vision was hazy. His eye were both totally red and hurt–he said he felt like he had sand in both eyes. I said it didn’t look like pink eye but he was hurting and went to bed. This morning the eyes were bad so he went to the doctor. She told him both eyes were very swollen and irritated and prescribed steroid drops. I was unaware until this afternoon that he had been wearing a new pair of lenses for the last week. They are COOPERVIOSION PROCLEAR MULTIFOCAL. I understand these are not recalled yet. Please, can you get the word out?
    Mellisa Cotton
    Atlanta, GA


  37. Carol, Wellington KS
    I have had problems from day one. Blurry vision, felt like something in my eye. Called doctor’s office and thought they gave me the wrong prescription and they replaced contacts. Still had problems with vision, now can’t hardly see, constantly feels like a film cover over my eye and at work my eyes all the sudden go blurry, like I am under water. I just called my doctor after reading the recall and they said…Did no one call you about this? I said NO. I am furious about this. The cost, the damage, and feel the company should reimburse me for all the money I spent on contacts in the past year.


  38. I just checked and we purchased the contacts for my husband in August, he has had problems with his eye since then. I can’t believe not one doctor mentioned this recall, I am going to call all three of them tomorrow. I did call coopervision today and they acted like it was no big deal and people were just experiencing minor discomfort…..that was not thte case at all for my husband, he didn’t even care if the numbing drops caused blindness he just wanted the pain to stop. Is there any recourse, will a lawyer even handle a case like this, they are located in NY and we live in CA. My husband has had to miss work, and money is tight for us, we pay cash for our medical bills and we can barely afford food/gas with four kids right now, him not being able to see isn’t helping things for us?????


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